Simpel Sibuk System


Simpel Sibuk System


Free Download Simpel Sibuk Syste.rar :
# Hi Low – Open Close CANDLES.ex4
Candle Time & Spread.mq4
London BreakoutV9.1.mq4
Round Numbers 5 digit.mq4
rsi chart bars.ex4
simpel brekout insta ii.tpl
+ Scripts : _Buy@market.mq4  _Delete Pending.mq4  _Move SL.mq4 _Move to Break-Even.mq4 _Move TP.mq4
_Sell@market.mq4 , London Breakout Input Calculator.mq4 , London Breakout scriptV3.1.mq4

Baca ya.txt ( user’s manual ) In Indonesian and here is the translation :

In this section consists of:
1. indicator
2. Template
3. script
4. EA


To use the script and EA should have indicators on the chart On
EA and the script will work based on the indicator settings.


For Template:

1. Simple Breakout Asia. use to pair2 related to JPY === UJ, GJ etc. (no special news JPY)
2. Simple new ondst used for pair2: GU, EU etc.
3. To: template “How nice simple” please update trade heheheh

To learn more optimal way of setting the London breakout indicator

happy Trading
Do not Forget any WD set aside for groups who need

Translated By Mr Galal El Kassas from Egypt.


Free Download


Mr Islam Khaled from Egypt sent us that system.


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