Fibo Quantum Unique Forex Indicator 2021
Fibo Quantum is such a simple and smart set-and-forget tool that once you start working with it, you will start thinking like a REAL trader. You will no longer have any amateur trading ideas and attitudes.
The algorithms that make Fibo Quantum so accurate and profitable have been developed over years of painstaking research and analysis. We equipped Fibo Quantum with our own trading secrets and fine tuned the special algorithms used by the big banks and investment houses to multiply their profit in the markets.
103, 59, 52 and 107 Pips.
4 Wins and No losses!
The sequence was discovered in the 13th century by Leonardo de Pisa who was amongst the most talented mathematicians of the Middle Age. Leonardo came to a conclusion that there was a pre-set series of numbers and ratios that determined the natural proportion of things in the known universe.
In a Fibonacci sequence, every number is the sum of the previous two numbers. Let me illustrate the sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 and so on.
When taken into the context of the Forex markets, Fibonacci Ratios Indicate Powerful Price Levels that Force The Market To Move in The Expected Direction Every Single Time.
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