The NickB Method Averaging 100 Pips a Week


In the world of Forex trading most traders are continuously searching for the holy grail of systems that will make them a millionaire in a week. Like the search for the Fountain of Youth that system has never been found. Here is a hint why; IT DOESN’T EXIST!

Searching through forums like a crazy person looking for the magic combination of indicators is the short road to failure. If you are reading this e-Book looking for a system to make you an instant millionaire then hit that little red ‘X’ right now. If you are reading this eBook looking for a method of trading that will make you a successful, consistently profitable trader, then keep reading. Trading is not a get rich quick scheme; it takes hard work and dedication.

My method is not a system, I do not use any indicators, and there are hardly any set-in-stone rules.  My method is based on candle patterns and support and resistance lines. These are not to be confused with pivot points or Fibonacci lines. The best thing about my trading method is you are  not tied down to one specific style. You can implement certain aspect of it, and add others, to tailor make your own trading style.

I know that not using indicators sounds crazy, but I have been doing it for 4 years and I am still around. It is up to you to make the choice. Are you going to embark on the futile search for the Holy Grail trading system? Or, are you going to learn how to really trade?
Keep it simple

The foundation of my method is to keep things simple. I am against over complicating trading. In my opinion, the simpler your method is, the more effective you will be. Making something extremely complicated is only going to waste time and add stress. That is why I try to keep my trading as simple as possible. Over complicating something that works very well is counterproductive. All I need are a few lines on my chart and I can make 100+ pips per week with ease.

Some methods you see are just a mess of indicators; so many that you can barely see the candles.  This is not the way to trade. If you can be consistently profitable keeping it simple, with just a few lines, then that is obviously the better option. So as you read on, and find out that my method is just a few simple lines, do not run away. These simple lines have been making me a lot of money consistently for 4 years. That is more than can be said for 99% of the trading methods out there.  Simplicity is a good thing, not a bad thing.


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